Another episode of shame starring a Bourbon, the stupidest royal family in the world. If it weren't enough that the not-very-clever son-in-law married to the slight less dumb of the two Infantas had been involved in one of the greatest corruption cases in recent Spanish history, not enough that the son of the dumbest of the two Infantas shot himself in his toes last week, that this week-end, the grandpa, the summit of the pyramid of nepotism, inbreeding, corruption, and dumbness, while killing endangered species in Botswana, stumbled and cracked his hip!

In brief, after all the cuts carried out in Spain to reduce the expenditure in useless things such as education and healthcare since the State is on the verge of bankruptcy from stupidly burning its declining income in saving scorched banks, subsidies, and re-painting benches in public parks, we can see how our money is really well spent, in this stupid family, which, by the way, is not Spanish.
Again, La Escopeta Nacional
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