Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome to my New Blog!

This blog is going to be for sure an incredible challenge for me, since I have decided to write it in English, which is not my mother language. So, please, be patient with me and my poor skills, which, I hope, will increase as I keep on writing here.

Why another blog? Tough question in a world where anybody is already able to write down its experiences easily. The main reason is that I'd like to explain, maybe just to myself and to a bunch of friends, some of the stories that occur to me, or that I invent, in my daily life, while using Barcelona as a stage. I promise I won't torture the audience with any futile personal details or great philosophies.

I have already tried a similar experiment during the long period I have been living in Japan, given form to this blog which is about some aspects of Japanese culture that I felt they deserved some lines, despite not belonging to any of the usual mainstream Japanese topics.

The reason for the election of English as the blog's language is that my aim is to share it with the highest number of people who might be also interested in Barcelona and stories related with her. My former blog was written in Catalan, since I felt an unavoidable urge to use somehow my language while living in such a remote place as well as sharing my views to other people back home who were also interested in Japan. Now, the context is the opposite and it must be done in English.

I hope we all enjoy this experience!

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